Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Peter Damian

Peter Damian was a Benedictine monk and cardinal of Pope Leo IX, he is the author of Liber Gomorrhianus, an attack on perverts in the church.

The Book of Gomorrah is an eloquent and impassioned denunciation of the vice of sodomy, describing in harrowing detail the devastating spiritual and psychological effects on those who practice it. Damian holds that sodomy is the worst of all sins because it does the greatest harm to the soul, and argues very persuasively that no priest who is habituated to such behavior should be permitted to continue in the priesthood. However, the work is not only a condemnation of evil, but also an outpouring of grief for those who have fallen into such immorality, urging them to “rise from the dead” and return to Christ, and promising them forgiveness and even spiritual glory if they repent and do penance. So the work expresses very profoundly both the justice and the mercy of God.1

Liber Gomorrhianus - St. Peter Damian Catholic Church PDF

Saint Peter Damian, “Gomorrah”, and Today’s Moral Crisis

Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia.

St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah

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