Thursday, July 17, 2008

Comrade Obama to give speech to 80,000 crazed Obamaists at stadium in Denver...

Comrade Obama to give speech to 80,000 crazed Obamaists at stadium in Denver...

The introduction speech to Senator Obama will be something like this:
No one is more American than Obama! Obama is America! One leader, one nation, one people! Hail Obama! ...

The truth is I see people saying pretty much just this on TV... Obamaists are cultists-dedicated to the cult of socialism, immigration and miscegenation-America as universalist empire... And a football stadium is a fitting place for him to accept the nomination; football the most degenerate and evil part of America’s sports cult.

Obama to accept nomination at football stadium

1 comment:

rainwolf said...

So what's wrong with football?