Sunday, May 4, 2008

South Africa near total collapse...

I thought the "Liberals" told us all of South Africa's problems were supposed to go away after the rule of the "White Devils” ended. South Africa is falling into an endless cycle of crime, corruption and mismanagement as the "rainbow country" moved towards becoming another just failed african state like the Congo. They are unable to even keep the power grid running. Trevor Gaunt, a professor at the University of Cape Town tells us “The damage is huge, and now South Africa looks just like the rest of Africa..." "Marxist" ANC leaders drive new Mercedes and carry Louis Vuitton bags full of bribe money and spend much of their time in villas in south of France.

More news from the rape and murder capital of the world...
From the Sunday Herald… Wounded Nation

The lights are literally and figuratively going out all over South Africa as crime, corruption and mismanagement push the rainbow country towards becoming another failed african state...

Newly elected African National Congress (ANC) leader Jacob Zuma, the state president-in-waiting, narrowly escaped being jailed for raping an HIV-positive woman last year, and faces trial later this year for soliciting and accepting bribes in connection with South Africa’s shady multi-billion-pound arms deal with British, German and French weapons manufacturers...

Wounded Nation

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