More nonsense from Gavin Menzies... ‘1434′ is as much junk as ‘1421′
I wish we could get cheap electric cars... The truth is the auto makes could easily and cheaply make electric cars with a 100 to 200 miles range and sell than for under $10,000.
Necessity Breeds Electric Car Innovation on the Gaza Strip
..The conversion purportedly costs a mere $2,500 dollars to accomplish. As reported by the CSM, US experts are baffled as to how the conversion could be done for so little money and that using even the cheapest parts available in the US it would cost 3 times as much to do the conversion here...1
Comrade Obama gives speech to crazed Red Berliners...
A degenerate liberal harlot is attacked.
War Nerd: War of the Babies
An article on the problem of gender imbalance in College Graduates.